Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ten months ago...

The past eight months has been the best of my life, I've gone through hard stuff, but as long as I keep my eyes focused on Jesus, I make it through. This morning on the bus I was thinking about the amazing transformation I have gone through, and all I can say is praise God! He's the only one who can change us like that.

Ten months ago if you would have told me, "Hey, in two months you're gonna go to youth group and discover the love of your life and you're never gonna drink, do drugs, steal, or any of that other stuff ever again." I would have laughed at you and told you there was no way I'd go a day without being drunk or high unless I was broke.

Ten months ago if you would have said to me, "Guess what, in three months you're gonna have the most supportive group of friends who are gonna love you, help you up when you fall, tell on your butt when it needs to be told on, and they aren't gonna talk about you behind your back, best of all, they are gonna be your friends for life!" I would most likely have told you that you were delusional.

Ten months ago you could've come up to me and said, "Devyn, I know you're never gonna believe this but in four months you're gonna be completely clean, the love of your life that i mentioned before, you're still gonna be radically in love with Him and you always will be. Devyn, in four months you are gonna be the most broken you have ever been, you'll be on your knees, focusing on a cross, bawling your eyes out and wondering how you could have possibly made it this far." If you would have told me that ten months ago, I would have made it a point to avoid you at all costs.

Ten months ago if you would have said, "Dude, in six months you're going to be traveling to Louisiana to learn how to be a better person, you're gonna learn how to turn your school upside down. You won't believe all the stuff you'll learn but I'm tellin ya by July, you're gonna be so different. You wont even be listening to the music you're listening to now, it'll all be Christian." I would have told you were crazy and that I would never be such an extreme Christian.

Ten months ago if you would have had the guts to approach me and said, "In eight months you're gonna be going back to school and you will have been clean for a whole six months, you're gonna go into your school ready to win the lost and reap the harvest. You're gonna talk to people that you said you'd never be friends with, and you will have gone through things that will have forced you to be more mature." I would have told you the only way I'd be clean for six months was if my mom had sent me to rehab, and I would have told you to quit telling about Jesus.

Ten months ago If you would have told me that in ten months I would be on fire for God, telling anyone and everyone I can about Jesus, working hard at things in school, putting a ton of effort in to a youth group, and being committed to Christ, I wouldn't have believed a single word of it.

Less then ten months ago I was ready to be done with life, I felt I had nothing to live for. In March of 2007, something happened to me that changed my whole life. For the first time, i TRUELY accepted Jesus and committed my life fully to Him.

I don't know who you are or where your from, but if you don't have Jesus I can promise you that if you put your trust in Him, he'll help you through anything. Please feel free to leave a comment or email me if you want to know more about Jesus.
