yay for another top ten!!
10.drinking 2500 ml of water a day (women need that much, men need 3000)if you want the amount in ounces, 500 ml is about 16 and a half oz.
9. procrastinating until almost literally the last minute of making jambalaya (sorry if that sentence didn't make sense, its after midnight.
8. my white old navy flip flops
7. the way that children's church is decorated for vbs!!
6. my brier terrace shirt
4. Getting pulled over by the king county police! (same reason as before, an out headlight)
3. Laura's fabulous piano playing!
2. Laura's fantastic clothes and jewelry making!
1. LAURA!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
another top ten
Posted by Devyn at 12:15 AM 4 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
devo burrito's top ten
well, i haven't had any bursts of creativity lately so i thought i'd make a top ten list for the week. so... here are my top ten favourite things this week be sure to check out the url to each of em haha:
10. old people... http://youtube.com/watch?v=sILSrOyLpmo&feature=related
9. burrito lady... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ANRCjWR58vA
8. anam... http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2007/2057945282_7149b09184.jpg?v=0
7. pretzels with ginger wasabi sauce... http://www.robertrothschild.com/Images/products/53055-md.jpg
6. dove soap... http://www.dove.ca/uploadedimages_dove_ca/energize_bar.jpg
5. KIRAN!... http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2136/2057159011_8934fc33ba.jpg?v=0
4. getting pulled over by the sno-po... http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/2385845/2/istockphoto_2385845_police_car_lights.jpg
3. working at gap?... http://www.malls-info.com/outlet/gapout5.jpg
2. free southern style chicken sandwiches (stockpiling coupons)... http://compulsivec.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/chicken-sand.jpg
1. my car (a maroon 1987 subaru wagon the pic isnt mine lol)!!!... http://www.stationwagon.com/gallery/pictures/1989_Subaru_GL.jpg
well... thats all for now haha.
Posted by Devyn at 10:42 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
oh man, i've officially been pranked. i don't think i've ever gotten pranked this good before... the prankster that got me was the one and only... AMMI G!!! Man oh man did Ammi get me good!! she tricked me into thinking that they were gonna leave our church and go to the city church and that they were only gonna be at our church for two more weeks!! oh my word that ammi is so so funny!!
Posted by Devyn at 5:05 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hey BBF kids-- You can now sign up to pre-order your shirts for extreme worship!! The list is on the back table in the youth room, and trust me, you're gonna wanna pre-order because it's first come first serve. We are ordering a very limited amount and these shirts WILL NOT be available online to order later! These shirts are really great and we are going through a company we haven't gone through before and unlike the "Release the Beast" shirts which were direct ink to garment printing, these shirts will be screen printed (think like the upside down conference tees) the colors on these tees are super bright and they are only $15 dollars!! Once again, THEY ARE LIMITED AND WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE ONLINE!! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE, AND YOU DO NOT WANNA MISS OUT!! If you didnt get a chance to pre-order last night, go ahead and shoot me a comment with the size you want and i'll get the info to Pastor Anna. Hope y'all are having an awesome day, BE EXTREME!!
ps: off subject, but does anybody know any foods that are good mashed up lol?
Posted by Devyn at 11:37 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
wisdom teeth
Well, i'm going to go get my wisdom teeth out. we're leaving in (hopefully) five minutes (if my mom hurries and doesn't make us late, again.) right now my mom is storming around looking for my prescriptions but my dad put them somewhere and she can't find them. any who-- dave's going with us so it should be a fun adventure haha. i better get going cuz i gotta get my mom out the door, but here is a lovely picture of some wisdom teeth, actually, wisdom teeth are really nasty and they don't make you any wiser. haha.
Posted by Devyn at 7:19 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
anam, my siamese twin who was separated from me at birth and left out in the sun too long.
anam, you are truely my twin. like, seriously, our minds always match-- you always know what i'm thinking!!! i'm so blessed to have such an amazing friend and sister.
Posted by Devyn at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
how hungry are you? i'm not talkin you forgot your "two twenty-five for your pizza bagel and pomegranate izze" i'm talking about how hungry you are for the Word of God. I don't care if you go to youth group two out of every five weeks or make it to cell occasionally, and hungry isn't hungry for the candy you get if you actually complete a bible reading. Do you read your word every day? Not skim for key verses, not reading it cuz ya have to, cuz that isn't reading the word. Skimming and sparknotes may work for school work but when it comes to the Word why on earth would you wanna just get the key points?! If you're not hungry for the Word and willing to dig into it, then it probably just seems like some nice words. Get hungry!! Pray before you read, ask God to speak to you through what your gonna read! For a while I had felt like I hit a wall in my relationship with Christ. I wasn't backslidden, i just felt... stagnant. I couldn't stand it! I wanted fresh fire soooooo bad!!! I kept praying and reading the Word but it was like I was stuck in the mud with my wheels spinning. I know the devil was trying to make me think i was burned out and should give up, and that made me laugh, the dumb devil, like i would ever leave God! So i P.U.S.H.ed-- I prayed until something happened, and boy, did something happen. I felt refreshed and hungry, I was so hungry- and when I got hungry, I noticed a hunger around me, kids at school were asking me about church! And the hungrier I get, the hungrier they get, in the past week i've had one girl commit to coming to my cell and one possibly coming, two ask about coming to church, two wanting to go to youth group and to summer camp, and one guy friend of mine get saved!! I know that if i keep pushing and staying in the Word and obeying that God will stir up a hunger in more souls. My challenge for you is to ask God to stir up a stronger hunger in you, and let that hunger take over you!! Get so hungry that you'll skip lunch to feed on the Word, love on your unsaved friends, ditch your secular trash music, ask God what it'll take to make you hungrier and I guarantee He will be faithful to you in what you ask for. Knock and the door will be opened, ask and you will recieve. GO FOR IT!! RELEASE THE BEAST!!! And let me know how it goes :)
Posted by Devyn at 3:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Stressor: (strěs'ər) noun. An activity, event, agent, condition, or other stimulus that causes stress to an organism.
Stress: (strěs) noun. A specific response by the body to a stimulus that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism.
Stimulus: (stĭm'yə-ləs)something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.
I wanted to break down the title of this blog so that no one would jump to the conclusion that I am depressed or stressed in a bad way. Often times I think we forget that stress isn't just being stressed out by something negative. Although we use the word in bad situations ie: "Ugh, I'm so stressed out!" However, it's not always a bad thing. So, now that i gave you those definitions, I'm gonna break it down. A stressor, also called a stimulus could be called a situation, stress could be called your reaction to that situation. So if you won a million dollars and got very excited about it and peed your pants, the million dollars would be the stressor that led to the stress of you peeing your pants. See, not necessarily a bad thing, even though peeing your pants could be turned into a stressor and cause the stress of, I don't know, using part of that million to by yourself a new pair of undies. All this aside, I'm gonna now go into what I originally planned for this blog.
For awhile now, I have been praying for God to help me with a few issues, one of them has been the way I seek affirmation. I feel like I look for affirmation from people more than I do from God and I want that to change so I've been praying about it. Although I have felt very stressed at points (in a bad way), not so sensitive reminders from some people have really helped me to seek affirmation from God, and if He doesn't approve of what I'm doing then I need to fix it. For as long as I can remember, I have been a people pleaser. Saying, doing, acting in whatever way I could to try and keep whoever I'm with happy. Unfortunately, this didn't help to develop very good character and early on I became a two-faced gossiper. Another thing that has hindered me is not wanting to be at fault for anything, even though I hate when she says it, I know it's true and that's probably why I hate it but I hate when my mom says that I'm good at playing the victim. Honestly, I suck at playing the victim and it gets me nowhere and you'd think that I'd have learned that by now. I wish I would've, and I'm slowly starting to, but these two things; being a people pleaser and not wanting to be at fault for anything, have caused a bigger problem, lying. To be brutally honest, I'm kind of a compulsive liar, I realize that is almost a paradox but if you keep in mind that a paradox is a statement that seems to be self-contradicting but actually expresses a truth, then it makes sense. That's taken me, gosh, I don't know how many years to say that but I never wanted to say it because I didn't want people to not trust me. I guess that's pretty retarded but maybe if people quit trusting me I'll learn my lesson and in the mean time, be almost forced to seek affirmation only from God since people will doubt the validity of what I say since they know I'm a liar. I can't fool God so there is no point in trying to lie to Him, so like I said, hopefully I'll learn my lesson. I know that people will probably try to read me and search what I say for lies and call me out on something, and by all means, do it. I know that I tend to try and figure out when someone is lying or stretching the truth to make themselves sound cool, so if you catch me doing it, call me out on it. I've learned lately that I learn really well from that because I've been trying not to lie so when I get called out and am put in an uncomfortable situation I have to fight the urge to lie, and I have been getting better about not lying. I know you're probably wondering what this whole thing has to do with stressors being good, so I'll try to explain it. When I'm called out on something, it puts me under stress to have to come up with a way out of it, and if I do it honestly, I feel much better about the situation which gives me good stress. I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense but since this is only a blog it's hard to express everything through typing. I pray that God keeps me out of my comfort zone, because it allows me to grow in Him, and honestly, that's all I have been feeling lately is uncomfortable, but when I do, I know it's a good thing, and I know God is answering my prayers, and that helps build my faith incredibly. I'm not really sure how to end this blog with out it seeming unresolved so I suppose I'll just have to end it like this.
Posted by Devyn at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
oh my word... i love the Holy Spirit!! i really wish i was at church or youth group so i could have a Holy Ghost party, whoo! i FEEL SO CRAZY RIGHT NOW... like i could just go and run or jump around. i really wanna listen to some jonathan stockstill and dive into the river. oh man, sorry if this blog sounds crazy but you don't understand, i feel crazy!!! i love this video!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkDBjQ_PtoY&feature=related you gotta go watch it!!! also watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPYXDGhC170&feature=related it is soooo funny and awesome!!!
ps- staying true to my word i'm giving a shout out to two awesome 220i interns- maria and bridget!
Posted by Devyn at 11:29 PM 0 comments