Monday, February 11, 2008


how hungry are you? i'm not talkin you forgot your "two twenty-five for your pizza bagel and pomegranate izze" i'm talking about how hungry you are for the Word of God. I don't care if you go to youth group two out of every five weeks or make it to cell occasionally, and hungry isn't hungry for the candy you get if you actually complete a bible reading. Do you read your word every day? Not skim for key verses, not reading it cuz ya have to, cuz that isn't reading the word. Skimming and sparknotes may work for school work but when it comes to the Word why on earth would you wanna just get the key points?! If you're not hungry for the Word and willing to dig into it, then it probably just seems like some nice words. Get hungry!! Pray before you read, ask God to speak to you through what your gonna read! For a while I had felt like I hit a wall in my relationship with Christ. I wasn't backslidden, i just felt... stagnant. I couldn't stand it! I wanted fresh fire soooooo bad!!! I kept praying and reading the Word but it was like I was stuck in the mud with my wheels spinning. I know the devil was trying to make me think i was burned out and should give up, and that made me laugh, the dumb devil, like i would ever leave God! So i P.U.S.H.ed-- I prayed until something happened, and boy, did something happen. I felt refreshed and hungry, I was so hungry- and when I got hungry, I noticed a hunger around me, kids at school were asking me about church! And the hungrier I get, the hungrier they get, in the past week i've had one girl commit to coming to my cell and one possibly coming, two ask about coming to church, two wanting to go to youth group and to summer camp, and one guy friend of mine get saved!! I know that if i keep pushing and staying in the Word and obeying that God will stir up a hunger in more souls. My challenge for you is to ask God to stir up a stronger hunger in you, and let that hunger take over you!! Get so hungry that you'll skip lunch to feed on the Word, love on your unsaved friends, ditch your secular trash music, ask God what it'll take to make you hungrier and I guarantee He will be faithful to you in what you ask for. Knock and the door will be opened, ask and you will recieve. GO FOR IT!! RELEASE THE BEAST!!! And let me know how it goes :)



kiran said...

That was an amazin post! it made me hungry.....for the word!! hahaha. but ya any who, you should make a book....i would read it all the way!!!
love ya tons